We’re excited that work on the Cross Bible Study is rapidly progressing. Japanese, Chinese and English editions are already in print, with four more localized editions in process. Pastors and churches across Asia are using this resource to equip disciples and multiply churches.

Cross Bible StudyCross Bible Study is a simple approach to help you encounter Christ personally through your daily time in the Word. This approach emphasizes meditating on passages in the Bible, hearing Jesus speak through those passages and obeying Jesus.
Another primary goal of Cross Bible Study is to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. Daily time in God’s Word is a major factor in your spiritual growth. In order to grow as Jesus’ disciple you need to learn to feed continually on the Word of God.
We believe that Jesus speaks to us personally through the Bible. However, the goal is not just to get a nice devotional feeling or to gain intellectual knowledge during our daily time in the Word. The goal is to spend time with Jesus, to encounter Him through the Scriptures, and to obey Him.
Disciples grow by hearing and obeying Jesus. Our understanding of spiritual things and growth as His disciples increases dramatically as we obey Him in our daily lives. Cross Bible Study will help you focus on hearing Jesus speak through the Bible and on obeying Him in real life situations. Disciples grow rapidly when they love Jesus and radically obey Him.
This workbook includes three main sections: Cross Bible Study, The Wheel: Living as Disciples of Jesus, and 45 Cross Bible Studies.

クロス・バイブル・スタディーは、みなさんが毎日聖書を読む時にキリストご自身に出会うお手伝いとして 作りました。聖書の箇所をよく考えること、イエス様の声を聞くこと、そしてイエス様に従うことを中心としています。


If you are interesting in inspecting a pdf copy, English and Japanese versions may be found here.